GriffinAI is Bringing Agents On-Chain for Secure AI Scaling

GriffinAI Team
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

When it comes to AI, we are all stakeholders.  

There isn’t a sector of society, or mode of human endeavor this technology won’t reach and impact. When dealing with era-defining tech, we have a great responsibility to get it right. 


The million-dollar problem in machine learning 

Governments attempt to legislate to mitigate risk in the implementation of AI technologies. The greatest risk is right in front of them, however. That is not in the tech itself but in how it is used. 

Too much centralized control of artificial intelligence frameworks brings uncertainty, hindering not only the technological evolution of AI systems but also adding risk to their societal impacts.  

When too many of the key participants in a technology’s development are centralized corporate concerns, the evolution and management of that technology’s impact gets set at a remove, with many potential participants excluded. 

The operation of such systems is frequently more opaque, and subject to the bias and motivations of a tiny fraction of stakeholders. Overly centralized systems are prone to serious vulnerabilities such as lacking transparency, containing embedded bias, harboring data privacy risks, and concentrating control in the hands of very few people. 

The risks then are existential; that of creating a technocracy that will stifle innovation as far as it prevents equitable access, disconnecting members of global society from participating in AI’s development, promulgating a message that people should remain passive recipients of the technology, and undermining the transparency and inclusivity of access which rightly belongs to this crucial technology. 


The pace and impact of technological change in AI 

Never before has a machine technology reached the public for usage and deployment in real-world conditions so quickly, measured against its timeline in development. With perhaps the one exception of blockchain—an equally disruptive and significant tech. 

Community-built, open-source and decentralized systems benefit from rapid development cycles, collective creativity, and creative problem solving, often progressing faster and more dynamically, with more coherence than more centralized projects, conferring the advantages of robustness, agility and transparency. They will often course correct more readily than large corporate-run ventures. 

What open source and other decentralized or independent ventures often lack are effective ways to scale without compromising their foundations or principles. Additionally, they need effective mechanisms to monetize their innovations sustainably.  

As intelligence transforms into electricity, we see the financial world transitioning ever further into cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, recognizing in crypto a provably scarce resource that facilitates interactions between economic entities, which finally changes the game which they are all playing.  

This is why private keys will inevitably become the optimal methods to control and manage AI systems, utilizing blockchain networks to secure and proof the process. Where AI represents digital abundance, crypto embodies digital scarcity, serving as its perfect complement. 


GriffinAI’s solution: On-chain AI agents 

GriffinAI Protocol presents the world’s first decentralized app store for on-chain AI agents.  

We support a network for the creation and control of semi-autonomous AI agents capable of performing asynchronous operations on the blockchain. Network participants include AI solution providers, AI agent creators, dApps and end users. 

With the AI sector predicted to grow to $420 billion in the next two years, and a new bull cycle in play within crypto markets, the timing could not be better. 


How does it work? Case study: ELANN.AI 

At GriffinAI we build decentralized infrastructure to support the creation, deployment, monetization and usage of AI agents for any number of applications and purposes. 

Agents built on GriffinAI will be integrated into dApps and other on-chain tools directly, thanks to our blockchain-based infrastructure.  

If you want to build your own AI agent, as we support at GriffinAI, and especially if you want it to be DeFi-equipped, trying to do it on your own as an individual or startup is certainly possible, but you will face many obstacles, such as needing to utilize off-chain AI services from corporate providers (such as LLMs), the need to integrate both on-chain and off-chain services. 

At GriffinAI we support both creators (including developers and non-technical creatives and founders) and all end users to readily access, use and engage with AI agents deployed on the blockchain. 

With a first-mover advantage in an incredible sector, we have a track record of getting things done at Griffin. In the past nine months we have already launched our first AI agents, built a community of over 40,000 users and begun to scale our protocol. 

Our first deployed agent, ELANN.AI is the first ever AI agent which functions as a cryptocurrency research analyst and investment manager, compiling daily research reports and news digests for users, the mobile app (iOS / Android) has seen over 40k downloads. 

On-chain AI agents like ELANN which are integrated with blockchain technology ensure transparency, security, and immutability of data. These agents can be developed and deployed in open, transparent and collaborative conditions which improve their stability, speed of progress and accessibility. 

At GriffinAI we are building this key layer of infrastructure to support creators and users of AI everywhere as we explore the tremendous capacities of semi-autonomous AI agents.  

These agents can already give themselves feedback, critique and self-improvement in an iterative manner on-chain and can be designed to face countless different kinds of task or challenge. 


GriffinAI simplifies and modularizes access to AI agents 

To build an AI agent on your own is a major undertaking. One must integrate numerous aspects to create a highly functional AI agent – including language models, payment methods, API web search functions, multimodal capabilities and data access, as well as on-chain integrations.  

At GriffinAI we support creators to build these complex services in a low-code environment using modular features and any user can compose an AI agent in a matter of a simple series of clicks, with, of course, advanced fine-grain controls available for power users! 

Our aim at GriffinAI is to give more direct, simpler and more autonomous access to AI agent creators and users. Our users will be able to make immediate use of a range of cutting-edge AI agents, or simply and easily design and deploy their own AI agents on-chain. 

Using the GriffinAI interface for agent creation, you will be able to design your own AI agent without needing to access API or other services from corporate providers of models or prompt libraries, nor any middleware companies, as well as work multi-modally, across mixed models such as large language models (LLMs), text-to-image, speech-to-text models and more. 

By leveraging the inherent strengths of blockchain technology—transparency, immutability, and security—GriffinAI is working for a radical transformation in how AI systems are deployed and managed, enabling everyone to gain access to and participate in the direction of this key technology. 


GriffinAI key features 

GriffinAI’s AI agents utilize automated smart contracts for intricate decision-making on-chain, possessing the capability to independently sign messages (meeting stringent human authorization conditions, of course), initiate transfers, and verify transaction statuses—substantially advancing AI agent autonomy and functionality. 

The significance of these advancements has yet to be fully understood, even within the immediate relevant markets and communities. We are still very early to this technology, but not for long, since it is truly moving at light speed. AI agents are only now beginning to be implemented in real-world applications. 

We trust that investing in this advanced secure and decentralized approach to AI development is the very best way to ensure a trajectory for AI which will support the needs of all. 

A forever decentralized AI node network 

The GriffinAI network empowers developers and their agents with permissionless access to AI services and LLMs from both centralized sources and distributed platforms.  

Node operators serve as essential conduits, facilitating seamless integration between on-chain functionalities—such as authentication and payments—and AI services, thus enhancing operational efficiency and scalability. 

GriffinAI utilizes a decentralized governance model that encourages active user participation in both governance and verification processes. 

Our architecture for blockchain-AI synergy 

The technical architecture of GriffinAI integrates off-chain AI processing with on-chain blockchain functionalities whilst ensuring a sufficiently decentralized approach.  
This dual structure not only maximizes the efficiency and robustness of AI operations but also bakes in blockchain’s security and transparency as fundamental to the structure of GriffinAI’s network. 

Blockchain-based authentication, payment and access layers 

Using blockchain to manage crucial smart contract functions, GriffinAI handles on-chain integrations, payments and even escrow arrangements to support AI agents deployed on our network.  

Using tokenization and NFT integrations, GriffinAI dismantles traditional payment barriers, enabling integration for dApps and AI agents alike. 

This facilitates the tokenization and monetization of AI models, paving the way for new economic models and the decentralized growth of a community marketplace for AI agents and services. 

Anonymous identity verification and reputational system 

GriffinAI’s decentralized identity management system employs advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure secure and anonymous identity verification of participants, bolstering trust across the network, whilst simultaneously protecting privacy.  

Only blockchain technology could achieve such technological wizardry. 

In tandem with a blockchain-managed reputation system for Griffin participants and node operators, these steps will uphold the integrity and reliability of all activity on our protocol and maintain a transparent record of agent performance.  

This will ensure that we cultivate a rock-solid foundation of trust amongst collaborators, users and all stakeholders. 


GriffinAI: Building the future of on-chain AI services 

GriffinAI is leading the charge to merge AI with blockchain in a way that empowers developers, users, and AI agents alike.  

In doing so GriffinAI seeks to play its part in building a new technological paradigm, one where everyone can contribute to the future direction of these tremendous technological innovations. 

This initiative is about creating a foundation where all developers and users of AI technology can thrive, innovate, and drive meaningful change, upholding the spirit of decentralized innovation which will help us all to safely scale what this incredible technology can really do.